Media appearances
Lecture for Eureka Foundation: Is anybody out there?
Watch the video to hear what Paul Davies has to say about whether or not there are alien civilizations on other planets!
Paul Davies with Brian Keating
Follow the link to watch the discussion Paul Davies had with Dr. Brian Keating!
Paul Davies at HowTheLightGetsIn
Follow the link to watch Paul Davies' recent discussion about cosmology's biggest questions featured at HowTheLightGetsIn! Link
Paul Davies at the 2021 Mars Society Virtual Convention
Follow the link to watch Dr. Davies talk about the search for a second genesis during the annual Mars Society Convention!
Paul Davies featured on The Lovejoy Hour Podcast
Are you curious about the universe? Listen to this podcast to hear Paul Davies' thoughts on the universe, science, life, and the meaning of it all!
Where did the laws of the universe come from?
Have you ever wondered where the laws of the universe come from? Follow the link to hear Paul Davies answer this question!
The Debrief featuring Paul Davies
Use the link to watch an interview conducted by Michael Mataluni and learn about Paul Davies' insights on extraterrestrial artifacts.
Paul Davies Finding Genius Podcast with Richard Jacobs
Listen to the interview "Cancer Development and Genetic Insights - An In-Depth Examination of Cancer Cells in the Human Body"
Is it possible to build a time machine?
With: John Michael Godier
Widdershins Podcast on Astrobiology
Listen to the podcast to hear the big questions answered about our origins, whether we are alone or not and the hunt for a new earth!